The TETRIS active probe is a unique inline probing system that enables simultaneous contacting of neighboring pins in a 2.54 mm grid. The patented probe housing is designed in the T-profile, so that the probes can be attached to pin headers in an endless chain next to each other. This means that many measurements can be carried out simultaneously and in parallel without any problems.
The TETRIS active probe is system-independent and can be connected to any measuring instrument with a 50 ohm input using the standard BNC connector. Thanks to the compact design and practical accessories, a wide variety of measurement tasks can be easily solved.
Compared to passive probes, the active TETRIS probe offers a high input impedance up to the GHz range. Passive probes with their relatively high input capacitance already put a significant load on the signal source at frequencies above 100 kHz. Therefore, the TETRIS active probe with its high input resistance and low input capacitance is the ideal probe for your daily measurement tasks.